Thursday, February 28, 2013

Limping Along

Monday 2/25/13

The day after a 20 miler leaves me looking a little bit like I've been attacked by a league of zombies.  My knees aren't exactly bending and my eyes are bloodshot from being up half the night with an aching lower back.  So, why am I doing this to myself?  That is the question of the day.  It's a bucket list thing.  So let's get right into the heart of the run.  I started off feeling pretty good.  Like "yeah, I can do this."  It was definitely cold out and I required more layers then in previous long runs.  Which was okay.  I parked my car at the Biggby at Cricket West with the thought process that I would have to make it back to my car and when I did I could reward myself with a nice latte (salted Carmel mocha).  We had some pretty yucky weather on Friday morning and most of the people who live on Secor thought that shoveling was optional.  Needless to say that slushy/snow mix had turned to uneven ice by the time I came along.  So here I am trying desperately not to fall or twist something as I get down the street and to the trail.  And on the way back, after the sun had gotten to that ice for a few hours, what I got was soaking wet feet!  Thanks fine citizens of our fair city!  Again about midway through the run, my knee starts to really bug me.  This time it doesn't really let up.  By the 12th mile I was ready to quit.  Not just quit but to fall down on the floor, cry like a baby and call someone to come and pick me up.  However, I pushed on.  I had to take a lot more walk breaks in the last 5 miles.  I also had to trick my brain into thinking we were going to do a shorter distance then 20 miles.  I did cry, I did feel like I was going to puke.  I did talk to myself out loud.  I did limp some, walk some and hobble some (when necessary).   Coming back up Secor Rd to the finish, I must have looked like a hot mess.  I'm really surprised the fire department wasn't dispatched to retrieve a possible escaped mental patient who appears to be overdosing on Lithium!   I may be a runner but I am beginning to to think that I am not a marathoner.  And that's okay with me.  I will get that one 26.2 under my belt to say that I did it and to check it off my bucket list.  But in the end I probably will go back to 10K's and Halves.  They are challenging enough for me.  Another thing that I have noticed is that a marathon runner really needs to total support of their family.  My husband doesn't discourage my goals but none of my family realizes just what goes into training for your first marathon.  Which means my rest days end up being hurry up and get all the chores done day.  This is not the kind of rest that the body needs before a 20 miler. 

A day later I still feel like someone ran me over, back up over me and left me outside in a rain storm.  I am having trouble moving.  I am exhausted and I really just want to quit.  My knee is pretty much trashed and I am beginning to worry about some real damage.  It is my belief that I may have some IT band issues that is causing my knee to revolt.  I'm gonna need to get into a massage therapist.  Since I am pretty much broke most of the time I will need to get to a MT in training at one of the schools.

I wish I could be witty and cute about things but there was nothing really witty and cute about what I went through yesterday.  It was hard.  It made me want to quit.  It made me look like a schizophrenic as I was hobbling along talking to myself and quitters suck and telling Matilda to get back in her room and shut the hell up!  It was probably a pretty pitiful site. 

I am so grateful for my personal training with Lindsay.  I am not sure I would have been able to make it through any of thins without that cross/strength training.  It really has made a big difference in my endurance and strength.  The muscles in my legs are not as fatigued as they were when I trainined for the half.  Mainly because they are stronger and some because I am much healthier and fitter then I was 3 years ago.  Only 2 more LR's before the race.  There are 3 weekd until my next one and I am most definitley grateful for that.

Today's run:  20miles; 4:00:06; 12:00pace; 2832 calories.

Just a side note.  I burned almost 2900 calories on that urn and could have eaten anything I wanted that day with a free pass and do you know that I was too sick to my stomach afterwards to eat much of anything!  It was all I could do to force down some soup and a grilled cheese sandwich!  Oh, the irony!

February 21, 2013

Herbalife Shake - White Chocolate Reese's Shake, 16 oz.24129g2g24g0mg0mg0g4g
Nestle Coffee-Mate Coffee Creamer - Italian Sweet Cream, 1 Tbsp355g2g0g0mg15mg5g0g
Pop Chips - Sour Cream & Onion, 1 bag (23 g)10016g4g1g0mg160mg2g1g
Generic - Banana , 100 grams8923g0g1g0mg1mg12g3g
Fresh - Tabouli Salad With Tomatoes, 4 oz569g2g2g0mg18mg2g2g
Herbalife - Protein Drink Mix - Vanilla Rs, 2 Tablespoons1105g3g15g0mg340mg1g0g
Herbalife Healthy Meal Shake Mix - Nutritional Shake Mix 2 Scoop of Protein Powder, 28 g1105g3g15g0mg340mg1g0g
Cooking Light - Chicken BLT Salad, 1 wedge36812g24g27g76mg538mg0g2g
Um - Hummus, 2 ounces7511g3g4g0mg95mg2g3g
Fresh Vegetables - Celery and Carrot Sticks In Water, 3 oz174g0g1g0mg33mg3g2g
Fruit - Apple Med, 0.5 medium (2-3/4" dia) (approx 3 per lb)3610g0g0g0mg1mg7g2g
Cuties California Mandarins - Clementines, 1 orange409g0g0g0mg0mg7g2g
Kroger - Carb Smart--Yogurt White Chocolate Raspberry, 6 oz604g2g8g10mg90mg3g0g
Graham Crackers Honey Maid - Graham Crackers, 2 crackers13024g3g2g0mg180mg8g1g

February 22, 2013

Herbalife Healthy Meal Shake - Strawberry Cheesecake, 8 oz2700g0g19g0mg0mg0g0g
Graham Crackers Honey Maid - Graham Crackers, 1 crackers6512g2g1g0mg90mg4g1g
Nestle Coffee-Mate Coffee Creamer - Italian Sweet Cream, 1 Tbsp355g2g0g0mg15mg5g0g
Herbalife Wedding Cake - Shake, 16 oz21536g1g22g0mg0mg11g4g
Generic - Banana , 100 grams8923g0g1g0mg1mg12g3g
Cuties California Mandarins - Clementines, 1 orange409g0g0g0mg0mg7g2g
Fruit - Apple Med, 0.5 medium (2-3/4" dia) (approx 3 per lb)3610g0g0g0mg1mg7g2g
Kroger - Carb Smart--Yogurt White Chocolate Raspberry, 6 oz604g2g8g10mg90mg3g0g
Pop Chips - Sour Cream & Onion, 1 bag (23 g)10016g4g1g0mg160mg2g1g
Graham Crackers Honey Maid - Graham Crackers, 2 crackers13024g3g2g0mg180mg8g1g
Extreme Results40660

February 23, 2013

Natures Own - Low Cal Light Whole Wheat Bread, 2 slice7022g0g6g0mg240mg2g10g
Welchs - Grape Jelly, 15 ml5013g0g0g0mg10mg13g0g
Country Crock Margarine - 2 Scrambled Eggs, Plain, 2 eggs1403g10g12g370mg142mg0g0g
Martins - Shredded Mild Cheddar Cheese, 1/8 cup (28g)501g5g4g15mg85mg0g0g
Tomato X4 Slices - Tomato Slice 1 Slice, Thin/Small (15g), 1 slice31g0g0g0mg1mg0g1g
Generic - Green Onion, 1/8 cup102g0g0g0mg0mg1g1g
Nestle Coffee-Mate Coffee Creamer - Italian Sweet Cream, 1 Tbsp355g2g0g0mg15mg5g0g
Good Measure Meals - (1700 Plan) Black Bean Burger W/ Bun, Chipolte Mayo & Sweet Potatoe Fries, 0.5 Container30038g12g11g13mg530mg3g6g
Champy's Chicken - Cole Slaw, 0.5 cup522g5g0g2mg52mg1g1g
Bar Louie - Soft Pretzel Stick, 1 Soft Pretzel17032g3g0g0mg270mg1g1g
Applebees - Weight Watchers Grilled JalapeñO Lime Shrimp, 1 entree30043g6g22g0mg2,110mg0g4g
Applebees - Side Salad, 1 order1800g4g0g0mg0mg5g0g
Herbalife Shake - Blueberry Cheesecake, 1 cups11511g0g12g1mg100mg0g0g
Stretching, hatha yoga14460

February 24, 2013

Scrambler Maries - Eye Opener, 0.75 Serving (10.oz)3065g29g25g542mg774mg3g1g
Scrambler Maries - Hash Browns, 3.5 oz21428g12g3g0mg342mg2g2g
Thomas' - Light Multigrain English Muffin, 1 muffin11026g1g5g0mg160mg1g8g
Smuckers - Grape Jelly, 2 tbs (20g)10026g0g0g0mg10mg24g0g
Campbell's - Condensed Tomato Soup 318ml (10.75 oz), 1/2 cup9020g0g2g0mg480mg12g1g
Milk - Nonfat (fat free or skim), 0.5 cup436g0g4g2mg64mg0g0g
Kraft - Singles - American Cheese, 2 slice (19g)1202g9g6g30mg460mg2g0g
Natures Own - Low Cal Light Whole Wheat Bread, 2 slice7022g0g6g0mg240mg2g10g
Pineapple - Raw, all varieties, 0.75 cup, diced5615g0g1g0mg1mg11g2g
Crackers - Townhouse Club Crackers, 12 crackers21027g9g3g0mg375mg3g3g
Biggby Coffee - Tall Reduced Calorie Mocha Mocha, 10.67 oz.13325g0g8g4mg197mg9g1g
Herbalife 24 - Prolong Dietary Supplement, 0.5 Scoops6315g0g1g0mg125mg4g0g
Girl Scout Cookies - Thin Mint, 4 cookies16022g8g1g0mg125mg10g1g
Skinny Pop - Popcorn, 2 Cup787g5g1g0mg25mg0g2g
Running (jogging), 6 mph (10 min mile)2,892240
Stretching, hatha yoga14460

February 25, 2013

Herbalife Shake - Blueberry Cheesecake, 2 cups23022g0g24g2mg200mg0g0g
Generic - Banana , 100 grams8923g0g1g0mg1mg12g3g
Nestle Coffee-Mate Coffee Creamer - Italian Sweet Cream, 2 Tbsp7010g3g0g0mg30mg10g0g
Panera Bread - Mediterranean Salmon Salad, 3/8 salad1809g11g10g28mg491mg7g2g
Panera Bread - Whole Grain Baguette From Website, 1.5 ounces13527g1g5g0mg300mg2g3g
Panera Bread - Low Fat Garden Vegetable With Pesto Soup Pick Two, 10 oz10018g4g3g5mg620mg4g8g
Skinnytaste - Sweet Potato Turkey Shepard's Pie, 1/6 recipe25034g6g17g0mg304mg3g6g
Kirkland - Greek Yogurt Bar - Dark Chocolate Flavored, 1 Bar17017g8g10g0mg130mg8g5g
Fruit - Apple Med, 0.5 medium (2-3/4" dia) (approx 3 per lb)3610g0g0g0mg1mg7g2g
Girl Scout Cookies - Thin Mint, 0.5 container (32 cookies ea.)64088g32g4g0mg500mg40g4g
Stretching, hatha yoga14460

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