Sunday, November 25, 2012


Sunday 11/25/12

"Do not allow yourself to be held hostage by anything you don't need.  Let go." -Emmy, Bikram student/teacher

I read this quote today in the book that I am reading called Hell Bent.  The book is about Extreme Yoga Asana Students who compete for trophies and recognition in this highly competitive arena.  Yoga and competition is one of the biggest oxymoron's I can think of.  I instruct my students at the beginning of each class to let go of competition, expectation and judgement (as was taught to me by my Yogafit training).  These people are certainly an interesting breed.  They are not really a stereotypical group of hippie freaks either.  They come from all walks of life to learn, practice, and compete.  Interesting, to say the least.  The quote though is something else entirely to me.  I can be taken hostage by a single thought at any moment.  I can hold on to that single thought or situation for a day, a week, sometimes even a month (if it's a really hot issue for me).  In fact I think there may be a few things that I have held on to for far longer than that. 

I am currently in need of some significant cooperation and quiet.  As Sundays wind down I start to contemplate the week ahead of me.  It starts with planning my work schedule, reviewing my teaching commitments and then fitting in my runs and workouts around those things.  I wish it would stay that neatly in my head.  See, I am thoroughly dissatisfied with my current employment right now.  When I begin to contemplate the week ahead, I tend to get depressed and aggravated about having to go there and do a job for people who treat all of us as if we are pawns in their game.  I have to stick it out just a little while longer before I can actively look for a new job.  In the meantime, I have to find things to distract me from this anxiety ridden reality.  Running does that for me most of the time and today was no exception.  I went out to do my 6 mile training run today and I did let go.  Even if it was only for that hour.  I was one with my breath, my legs, the trail.  I noticed the cardinal perched on the fence picking berries.  I noticed the kitten hiding in the woods as a strode by, watching me as if I might be a predator.  I noticed the cold air entering my lungs and patiently waiting for my body to assimilate to it.  I noticed the direction of the wind and compensated my pace.  There is nothing like a nice contemplative run to make the rest of the day feel just a little bit better.

As a nice bonus, I got to see a good friend, and a new friend that I wasn't expecting to see when I stopped for my post run cup of Joe. 

I turned down the pace of my run significantly today.  Coming off that PR on Thursday, I wanted to take it easy.  I took all of my scheduled walk breaks.  I felt pretty good throughout the run

6.01miles; 1:05:09; 10:51 pace; 567 calories.

November 25, 2012

Kashi - Frozen Blueberry Waffles , 2 waffles15025g5g4g0mg340mg3g6g
Great Value - Light Reduced Calorie Syrup, 1/12 cup339g0g0g0mg57mg8g0g
Generic - Egg (Scrambled), 2 egg1202g10g12g390mg130mg0g0g
Earth Balance - Natural Buttery Spread - Original, 0.5 tbsp (14 g)500g6g0g0mg50mg0g0g
Blueberries - Raw, 0.25 cup215g0g0g0mg0mg4g1g
Grapes - Raw, 0.5 cup318g0g0g0mg1mg7g0g
Fresh Fruit - Pineapple, 75 g or 1 cup3910g0g0g0mg1mg8g1g
Herbalife - Cinnamon Roll Shake, 8 oz2500g0g23g0mg0mg0g0g
Jiffy - Corn Bread Muffins W/ Skim Milk, 1 muffin1415g4g3g27mg57mg6g0g
Robert's - Raw Honey, 1 teaspoon208g0g0g0mg1mg8g0g
Chicken Tortilla Soup, 1 serving(s)20834g2g14g29mg1,174mg8g6g
Kraft Foods - Nabisco - Oreo Cookies , 2 cookies (34g)10716g5g1g0mg93mg9g1g
Generic - Banana , 100 grams8923g0g1g0mg1mg12g3g
Coffee W/Cream - French Vanilla, 1 Tbsp376g2g0g0mg30mg6g0g
Richland Orchards - All Natrual Greek Yogurt Bar, 1 Bar16022g6g7g0mg40mg11g5g
Herbalife 24 - Rebuild Endurance , 2 Scoops (44.5g)16027g1g10g10mg250mg14g0g
Torani - Sugar Free Vanilla Syrup, 2 Tbsp00g0g0g0mg5mg0g0g
Cream - Half and half, 2 tbsp391g3g1g11mg12mg0g0g
Running (jogging), 6 mph (10 min mile)56765

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